The Bard Center maintains a unique user electrochemical research instrumentation facility, allowing researchers from the University of Texas and visitors access to instrumentation and expert help in electrochemical studies. In a single location, the facility makes available electrochemical instruments such as potentiostats, scanning electrochemical microscopes, impedance analyzers, optical profilers, etc., for studying intermediates on electrode surfaces and device test equipment. The Bard CEC facility complements extensive nearby facilities at UT Austin’s Texas Materials Institute (TMI).
The Bard CEC facility is primarily used by research groups and is also available as a user facility for other Texas universities and colleges. A full-time facility manager maintains the facility and assists visitors.
Industrial Affiliate companies may obtain access to these facilities. In some cases, Bard CEC personnel may be able to do measurements for these companies and return data.
The facility is located in Welch Hall, rooms 2.404 and 2.406.
To schedule time on any of the instruments, please contact our facility manager.
Facility Instrument & Calendars
New Addition to the Facility

MBraun Glovebox

CHI 660D Electrochemistry Workstation

Autolab PGSTAT 128N Potentiostat/EIS

Four-Point Probe

CHI 920C Scanning Electrochemical Microscopes

Shimadzu 2014 Gas Chromatography Fuel Cell Analyzer

Savannah S100 Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)

Veeco NT9100 Optical Profiler

Simulation Workstation (COMSOL)

NanoSight NTA Analysis (NS500)

Arbin BT2000 Battery Cycler

Q-Sense QCM-D E1 Quartz Crystal Microbalance

Epilog Zing 16 Laser Engraving System (Laser Cutter)

Pulse Forge 1300 Photonic Curing Tool (PF1300)

Sutter Laser Micropipette Puller (P-2000)

Agilent Cary 60 UV-Vis

Ultrasonic Processor

Milli Q Water System