Computational Materials & Electrochemistry

Pairing experimental efforts with computational results and the development of new computational methods to drive research forward at the fundamental and applied systems level.

Profile image of Graeme Henkelman

Graeme Henkelman

  • Professor
  • George W. Watt Centennial Professor
  • Chemistry
  • Center for Electrochemistry
Profile image of Gyeong Hwang

Gyeong Hwang

  • Professor

 Matthew Van Winkle Regents Professorship in Chemical Engineering

Profile image of Yuanyue Liu

Yuanyue Liu

  • Assistant Professor
  • Affiliated Faculty, Oden Institute
Profile image of Donald Siegel

Donald Siegel

  • Professor
  • Department Chair, Mechanical Engineering

Cockrell Family Chair for Departmental Leadership #4 (Holder)
Temple Foundation Endowed Professorship No. 4 (Holder)

Profile image of Venkat Subramanian

Venkat Subramanian

  • Professor
  • Affiliated Faculty, Oden Institute
  • Center for Electrochemistry

Ernest Dashiell Cockrell II Professorship in Engineering

Profile image of Wennie Wang

Wennie Wang

  • Assistant Professor